What Is Apache Hadoop?
What is HDFS?
HDFS follows the master-slave architecture and it has the following elements.
The Apache™ Hadoop® project develops open-source software for
reliable, scalable, distributed computing.
The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that
allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters
of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up
from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local
computation and storage. Rather than rely on hardware to deliver
high-availability, the library itself is designed to detect and handle
failures at the application layer, so delivering a highly-available
service on top of a cluster of computers, each of which may be prone to
The project includes these modules:
- Hadoop Common: The common utilities that support the other Hadoop modules.
- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS™): A distributed file system that provides high-throughput access to application data.
- Hadoop YARN: A framework for job scheduling and cluster resource management.
- Hadoop MapReduce: A YARN-based system for parallel processing of large data sets.
Other Hadoop-related projects at Apache include:
- Ambari™: A web-based tool for provisioning, managing, and monitoring Apache Hadoop clusters which includes support for Hadoop HDFS, Hadoop MapReduce, Hive, HCatalog, HBase, ZooKeeper, Oozie, Pig and Sqoop. Ambari also provides a dashboard for viewing cluster health such as heatmaps and ability to view MapReduce, Pig and Hive applications visually alongwith features to diagnose their performance characteristics in a user-friendly manner.
- Avro™: A data serialization system.
- Cassandra™: A scalable multi-master database with no single points of failure.
- Chukwa™: A data collection system for managing large distributed systems.
- HBase™: A scalable, distributed database that supports structured data storage for large tables.
- Hive™: A data warehouse infrastructure that provides data summarization and ad hoc querying.
- Mahout™: A Scalable machine learning and data mining library.
- Pig™: A high-level data-flow language and execution framework for parallel computation.
- Spark™: A fast and general compute engine for Hadoop data. Spark provides a simple and expressive programming model that supports a wide range of applications, including ETL, machine learning, stream processing, and graph computation.
- Tez™: A generalized data-flow programming framework, built on Hadoop YARN, which provides a powerful and flexible engine to execute an arbitrary DAG of tasks to process data for both batch and interactive use-cases. Tez is being adopted by Hive™, Pig™ and other frameworks in the Hadoop ecosystem, and also by other commercial software (e.g. ETL tools), to replace Hadoop™ MapReduce as the underlying execution engine.
- ZooKeeper™: A high-performance coordination service for distributed applications.
The Apache Hadoop projects provide a series of tools designed to solve
big data problems. The Hadoop cluster implements a parallel computing
cluster using inexpensive commodity hardware. The cluster is partitioned
across many servers to provide a near linear scalability. The
philosophy of the cluster design is to bring the computing to the data.
So each datanode will hold part of the overall data and be able to
process the data that it holds.
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From http://hortonworks.com/hadoop-tutorial/hello-world-an-introduction-to-hadoop-hcatalog-hive-and-pig/ |
The overall framework for the processing
software is called MapReduce. Hadoop MapReduce is a software framework for easily writing
applications which process big amounts of data in-parallel on large
clusters (thousands of nodes) of commodity hardware in a reliable,
fault-tolerant manner.
The term MapReduce actually refers to the following two different tasks that Hadoop programs perform:
- The Map Task: This is the first task, which takes input data and converts it into a set of data, where individual elements are broken down into tuples (key/value pairs).
- The Reduce Task: This task takes the output from a map task as input and combines those data tuples into a smaller set of tuples. The reduce task is always performed after the map task.
Typically both the input and the output are stored in a file-system.
The framework takes care of scheduling tasks, monitoring them and
re-executes the failed tasks.
The MapReduce framework consists of a single master JobTracker and one slave TaskTracker
per cluster-node. The master is responsible for resource management,
tracking resource consumption/availability and scheduling the jobs
component tasks on the slaves, monitoring them and re-executing the
failed tasks. The slaves TaskTracker execute the tasks as directed by
the master and provide task-status information to the master
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From http://hortonworks.com/hadoop-tutorial/hello-world-an-introduction-to-hadoop-hcatalog-hive-and-pig/ |
What is MapReduce?
MapReduce is a processing technique and a program model for
distributed computing based on java. The MapReduce algorithm contains
two important tasks, namely Map and Reduce. Map takes a set of data and
converts it into another set of data, where individual elements are
broken down into tuples (key/value pairs). Secondly, reduce task, which
takes the output from a map as an input and combines those data tuples
into a smaller set of tuples. As the sequence of the name MapReduce
implies, the reduce task is always performed after the map job.
The major advantage of MapReduce is that it is easy to scale data
processing over multiple computing nodes. Under the MapReduce model, the
data processing primitives are called mappers and reducers. Decomposing
a data processing application into mappers and reducers is sometimes
nontrivial. But, once we write an application in the MapReduce form,
scaling the application to run over hundreds, thousands, or even tens of
thousands of machines in a cluster is merely a configuration change.
This simple scalability is what has attracted many programmers to use
the MapReduce model.
The Algorithm
- Generally MapReduce paradigm is based on sending the computer to where the data resides!
- MapReduce program executes in three stages, namely map stage, shuffle stage, and reduce stage.
- Map stage : The map or mapper’s job is to process the input data. Generally the input data is in the form of file or directory and is stored in the Hadoop file system (HDFS). The input file is passed to the mapper function line by line. The mapper processes the data and creates several small chunks of data.
- Reduce stage : This stage is the combination of the Shuffle stage and the Reduce stage. The Reducer’s job is to process the data that comes from the mapper. After processing, it produces a new set of output, which will be stored in the HDFS.
- During a MapReduce job, Hadoop sends the Map and Reduce tasks to the appropriate servers in the cluster.
- The framework manages all the details of data-passing such as issuing tasks, verifying task completion, and copying data around the cluster between the nodes.
- Most of the computing takes place on nodes with data on local disks that reduces the network traffic.
- After completion of the given tasks, the cluster collects and reduces the data to form an appropriate result, and sends it back to the Hadoop server.
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From http://www.tutorialspoint.com/hadoop/hadoop_mapreduce.htm |
Hadoop File System was developed using distributed file system
design. It is run on commodity hardware. Unlike other distributed
systems, HDFS is highly faulttolerant and designed using low-cost
HDFS holds very large amount of data and provides easier access. To
store such huge data, the files are stored across multiple machines.
These files are stored in redundant fashion to rescue the system from
possible data losses in case of failure. HDFS also makes applications
available to parallel processing.
Features of HDFS
- It is suitable for the distributed storage and processing.
- Hadoop provides a command interface to interact with HDFS.
- The built-in servers of namenode and datanode help users to easily check the status of cluster.
- Streaming access to file system data.
- HDFS provides file permissions and authentication.
HDFS Architecture
Given below is the architecture of a Hadoop File System.![]() |
From http://www.tutorialspoint.com/hadoop/hadoop_hdfs_overview.htm |
The namenode is the commodity hardware that contains the GNU/Linux
operating system and the namenode software. It is a software that can be
run on commodity hardware. The system having the namenode acts as the
master server and it does the following tasks:
- Manages the file system namespace.
- Regulates client’s access to files.
- It also executes file system operations such as renaming, closing, and opening files and directories.
Secondary Namenode
You might think that the SecondaryNameNode is a hot backup daemon for
the NameNode. You’d be wrong. The SecondaryNameNode is a poorly
understood component of the HDFS architecture, but one which provides
the important function of lowering NameNode restart time.
The NameNode is responsible for the reliable storage and interactive lookup and modification of the metadata for HDFS. To maintain interactive speed, the filesystem metadata is stored in the NameNode’s RAM. Storing the data reliably necessitates writing it to disk as well. To ensure that these writes do not become a speed bottleneck, instead of storing the current snapshot of the filesystem every time, a list of modifications is continually appended to a log file called the EditLog. Restarting the NameNode involves replaying the EditLog to reconstruct the final system state.
The SecondaryNameNode periodically compacts the EditLog into a “checkpoint;” the EditLog is then cleared. A restart of the NameNode then involves loading the most recent checkpoint and a shorter EditLog containing only events since the checkpoint. Without this compaction process, restarting the NameNode can take a very long time. Compaction ensures that restarts do not incur unnecessary downtime.
The duties of the SecondaryNameNode end there; it cannot take over the job of serving interactive requests from the NameNode. Although, in the event of the loss of the primary NameNode, an instance of the NameNode daemon could be manually started on a copy of the NameNode metadata retrieved from the SecondaryNameNode.
The NameNode is responsible for the reliable storage and interactive lookup and modification of the metadata for HDFS. To maintain interactive speed, the filesystem metadata is stored in the NameNode’s RAM. Storing the data reliably necessitates writing it to disk as well. To ensure that these writes do not become a speed bottleneck, instead of storing the current snapshot of the filesystem every time, a list of modifications is continually appended to a log file called the EditLog. Restarting the NameNode involves replaying the EditLog to reconstruct the final system state.
The SecondaryNameNode periodically compacts the EditLog into a “checkpoint;” the EditLog is then cleared. A restart of the NameNode then involves loading the most recent checkpoint and a shorter EditLog containing only events since the checkpoint. Without this compaction process, restarting the NameNode can take a very long time. Compaction ensures that restarts do not incur unnecessary downtime.
The duties of the SecondaryNameNode end there; it cannot take over the job of serving interactive requests from the NameNode. Although, in the event of the loss of the primary NameNode, an instance of the NameNode daemon could be manually started on a copy of the NameNode metadata retrieved from the SecondaryNameNode.
The datanode is a commodity hardware having the GNU/Linux operating
system and datanode software. For every node (Commodity hardware/System)
in a cluster, there will be a datanode. These nodes manage the data
storage of their system.
- Datanodes perform read-write operations on the file systems, as per client request.
- They also perform operations such as block creation, deletion, and replication according to the instructions of the namenode.
Generally the user data is stored in the files of HDFS. The file in a
file system will be divided into one or more segments and/or stored in
individual data nodes. These file segments are called as blocks. In
other words, the minimum amount of data that HDFS can read or write is
called a Block. The default block size is 64MB, but it can be increased
as per the need to change in HDFS configuration.
Goals of HDFS
- Fault detection and recovery : Since HDFS includes a large number of commodity hardware, failure of components is frequent. Therefore HDFS should have mechanisms for quick and automatic fault detection and recovery.
- Huge datasets : HDFS should have hundreds of nodes per cluster to manage the applications having huge datasets.
- Hardware at data : A requested task can be done efficiently, when the computation takes place near the data. Especially where huge datasets are involved, it reduces the network traffic and increases the throughput.
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Hadoop architecture, from http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/data/library/techarticle/dm-1209hadoopbigdata/ |
What are the components of Hadoop?
The Apache Hadoop project has two core components, the file store called
Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), and the programming framework
called MapReduce. There are a number of supporting projects that leverage
HDFS and MapReduce. This article will provide a summary, and encourages
you to get the OReily book "Hadoop The Definitive Guide", 3rd Edition, for
more details.
The definitions below are meant to provide just enough background for you
to use the code examples that follow. This article is really meant to get
you started with hands-on experience with the technology. This is a how-to
article more than a what-is or let's-discuss article.
- HDFS: If you want 4000+ computers to work on your data, then you'd better spread your data across 4000+ computers. HDFS does this for you. HDFS has a few moving parts. The Datanodes store your data, and the Namenode keeps track of where stuff is stored. There are other pieces, but you have enough to get started.
- MapReduce: This is the programming model for Hadoop. There are two phases, not surprisingly called Map and Reduce. To impress your friends tell them there is a shuffle-sort between the Map and Reduce phase. The JobTracker manages the 4000+ components of your MapReduce job. The TaskTrackers take orders from the JobTracker. If you like Java then code in Java. If you like SQL or other non-Java languages you are still in luck, you can use a utility called Hadoop Streaming.
- Hadoop Streaming: A utility to enable MapReduce code in any language: C, Perl, Python, C++, Bash, etc. The examples include a Python mapper and an AWK reducer.
- Hive: If you like SQL, you will be delighted to hear that you can write SQL and have Hive convert it to a MapReduce job. No, you don't get a full ANSI-SQL environment, but you do get 4000 notes and multi-Petabyte scalability. Hue gives you a browser-based graphical interface to do your Hive work.
- Hue: Hue aggregates the most common Apache Hadoop components into a single interface and targets the user experience. Its main goal is to have the users "just use" Hadoop without worrying about the underlying complexity or using a command line.
- Pig: A higher-level programming environment to do MapReduce coding. The Pig language is called Pig Latin. You may find the naming conventions somewhat unconventional, but you get incredible price-performance and high availability. Pig is a language for expressing data analysis and infrastructure processes. Pig is translated into a series of MapReduce jobs that are run by the Hadoop cluster. Pig is extensible through user-defined functions that can be written in Java and other languages. Pig scripts provide a high level language to create the MapReduce jobs needed to process data in a Hadoop cluster.
- Sqoop: Provides bi-directional data transfer between Hadoop and your favorite relational database.
- Oozie: Manages Hadoop workflow. This doesn't replace your scheduler or BPM tooling, but it does provide if-then-else branching and control within your Hadoop jobs.
- HBase: A super-scalable key-value store. It works very much like a persistent hash-map (for python fans think dictionary). It is not a relational database despite the name HBase.
- FlumeNG: A real time loader for streaming your data into Hadoop. It stores data in HDFS and HBase. You'll want to get started with FlumeNG, which improves on the original flume.
- Whirr: Cloud provisioning for Hadoop. You can start up a cluster in just a few minutes with a very short configuration file.
- Mahout: Machine learning for Hadoop. Used for predictive analytics and other advanced analysis.
- Fuse: Makes the HDFS system look like a regular file system so you can use ls, rm, cd, and others on HDFS data
- Zookeeper: Used to manage synchronization for the cluster. You won't be working much with Zookeeper, but it is working hard for you. If you think you need to write a program that uses Zookeeper you are either very, very, smart and could be a committee for an Apache project, or you are about to have a very bad day.
How Does Hadoop Work?
Stage 1
A user/application can submit a job to the Hadoop (a hadoop job client) for required process by specifying the following items:- The location of the input and output files in the distributed file system.
- The java classes in the form of jar file containing the implementation of map and reduce functions.
- The job configuration by setting different parameters specific to the job.
Stage 2
The Hadoop job client then submits the job (jar/executable etc) and
configuration to the JobTracker which then assumes the responsibility of
distributing the software/configuration to the slaves, scheduling tasks
and monitoring them, providing status and diagnostic information to the
Stage 3
The TaskTrackers on different nodes execute the task as per MapReduce
implementation and output of the reduce function is stored into the
output files on the file system.
Advantages of Hadoop
- Hadoop framework allows the user to quickly write and test distributed systems. It is efficient, and it automatic distributes the data and work across the machines and in turn, utilizes the underlying parallelism of the CPU cores.
- Hadoop does not rely on hardware to provide fault-tolerance and high availability (FTHA), rather Hadoop library itself has been designed to detect and handle failures at the application layer.
- Servers can be added or removed from the cluster dynamically and Hadoop continues to operate without interruption.
- Another big advantage of Hadoop is that apart from being open source, it is compatible on all the platforms since it is Java based.
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